Frequently Asked Question

iPhone/iPad updated images of settings
Last Updated 5 years ago

IF you have not already added your Countermail account to your iPhone/iPad, see this FAQ first:
If you screens looks different in the FAQ above, then you can go back here and check the settings afterwards.

Under Settings / Password & Accounts
Remember that the password is always the 32 character long IMAP-key, read more here.

Click on your Countermail- account
Click on your IMAP account ->

Screen 1 with IMAP settings:


Click on "Advanced" at the bottom
the next Screen will show the advanced IMAP settings:


Go Back by clicking ""
Now you will be back on Screen 1 again (below)
click on the SMTP - (at the bottom right, above Advanced!)


This is the last setting screen for outgoing SMTP email

Remember that the password is always the 32 character long IMAP-key, read more here.

Click on the Done-button

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