Frequently Asked Question

Can I send mass-emails/newsletters with your service?
Last Updated 5 years ago

No, you can not use our service for large scale mass-emailing, mass-surveys, mass-inquiries, marketing, affiliate-emails or newsletters. When you registered your account with us, and using our service, you are in agreement with our Terms of Use.

When we talk about mass-emails or group emails we mean when the email content is basically the same, for example; if only the first line differ like "Dear Mr Jones," or "Dear Mrs Paddington", and the content is the same, that is a mass-email (or marketing, depending what the content is).

Accounts that sends out Phishing-emails or Spam-emails will be disabled permanently. If you sometimes need to send mass-emails/newsletters, use an external mass-email service for such actions, like or or

If you violate our Terms of Use, your account will either get a warning or permanently closed directly. Usually we give one warning before we close any account. But if it is obvious that a specific account used our service to send out hundreds or thousands of any type of mass emails, that account will be closed down. But if you send Spam, Phishing or Ransomware emails, you account will be permanently blocked, without warning.

Unsolicited emails cannot be sent to an individual subscriber unless prior permission has been obtained or unless there is a previous relationship between the parties.

Group emails
You are allowed to send smaller group emails, but not for marketing, surveys, inquiries, spam, phishing or ransomware communications. It's only allowed for reasons like special interest discussion(1), family emails and information-email to members in a non-profit organization. These type of group emails can have a maximum of 25 recipients, sent maximum once per day. It does not mean that you can send one email to one recipient, and then send the same email to another recipient, one at a time. This will be counted as spam (or marketing) and your account may be closed. If you are going to send an email with basically the same content, send it once, at the same time (max 25 recipients, maximum once per day), so it's not allowed to split up the same email and send it at different times. We recommend using Cc: when adding recipients. Always with a comma "," between each email address. We strongly discourages to use Bcc, and if you use Bcc, do not put all recipients in Bcc. Here is why: the decryption will be very slow!!! Even if you send it unencrypted, our server detection script will later detect it and encrypt it. So the next time you are trying to read it, it may take a long time to decrypt because Bcc: creates a PGP-encryption where the recipients key ids are zeroed out like 0x00000000, so the decryption script has to try every key in your whole contact list. You can split up the recipients like for example 3 in Bcc: and 22 in Cc:. We recommend using Cc:, but Bcc: is allowed.

You can have a maximum of 20 different groups, but they cannot share the same purpose/reason/cause. All members in the groups must have accepted in advance (beforehand) that you can send email to them. If you send group emails where more than one email address are invalid or inactive, we will most likely count that as Spam. Otherwise they could not have approved you to send them email, if you misspelled(2) an email that will give you a warning, so always double check email addresses before sending group emails. You can only send one Group email per day, so if you have different groups, you have to wait until the next day to send to the other group.

(1)=special interest discussion is when you share a common hobby or interest within a group of other people.
(2)=Misspelled is not when a large part of the address is wrong, we are talking about human errors like:,,, etc.

If you need to send to more than 25 recipients, use a dedicated mass-email service, as we described earlier.

Keywords: news letter mass email spam massemail newsletter marketing bulk mail bulkmail sales phish phishing phising limit limits limitation limitations ransom ware ransomware bulkemail massmail maximum

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