Frequently Asked Question

Evolution Mail
Last Updated 10 years ago

1. Go to the upper left corner and choose "File", then "Preferences" and then "Mail Account"

2. Choose Continue

3. Enter your email address: In this tutorial we will use the email address "".

4. Choose Skip Lookup


Server Type: IMAP+
Port: 993
Encryption method: SSL on a dedicated port
Authentication: CRAM-MD5

Then choose Continue

6. Enter your desired settings, then choose Continue


Server Type: SMTP
Port: 465
Server requires authentication: YES (check the box)
Encryption method: SSL on a dedicated port
Authentication: CRAM-MD5

Then choose Continue

7. It should now look something like this.

8. Choose Apply


Password: Your IMAP-key (please see below)
Add this password to your keyring: YES (check the box)
Enter your IMAP-key. Remember that the password is not your regular Countermail-password. You need to access your IMAP-key, please see link below how to access your IMAP-key
You might have to do this again with with the outgoing server (exactly the same settings applies).

Choose Continue

10. Now go to Passwords and Keys to import your public- and private key.
You can find your public- and private key by following this guide

11. Go to File and then Import

12. Choose your public key and then choose open.

13. Choose Import

14. Go to File and then Import again

15. Choose your private key and then choose open.

16. Choose Import

17. Now it should look something like this (with your adress and any aliases).

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