Frequently Asked Question

How do I customize the date format?
Last Updated 11 years ago

Go to Settings -> Display preferences, in the field "Custom Date Format" you can use standard PHP date syntax, some examples:

"M j G:i"     = "Jan 21 14:15" (24-hour format)
"M j g:i"     = "Jan 21 02:15" (12-hour format)
"y-m-d H:i:s" = "14-01-21 14:15:09" (24-hour format)
"y-m-d h:i:s" = "14-01-21 02:15:09" (12-hour format)
"Y-m-d H:i"   = "2014-01-21 14:15" (24-hour format)
"Y-m-d h:i"   = "2014-01-21 02:15" (12-hour format)

For more formats, follow this link:

Example picture:

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