Frequently Asked Question
I can't read/upload/download attachments in Safari?
Last Updated 8 years ago
Newer Safari version has blocked some Java actions. You need to change the Java permission for our domain "". This change only affects Java actions on our domain, java will still run in the standard mode on all other domains.
1. Choose Safari in the upper left corner and then Preferences
2. Choose the Security tab and then Manage Website Settings...
3. First select Java in the left menu
4. Choose Run in "Unsafe Mode"
This setting will only affect Java on our domain "", not on other domains.
So Java will run in Safe mode on all other domains. Read more here about Java security.
On MacOS you must hold down the Option key on your keyboard before clicking the Allow-scrollbar. Otherwise you will not see the "Run in Unsafe Mode" option.
5. Choose Trust
6. Choose Done
Keywords: attachment safari, problem attachment, problem safari,