Frequently Asked Question

Thunderbird backup your mail
Last Updated 11 years ago

This guide is for how to backup your emails with Thunderbird using a local folder.

First you need to create the local folder you want to backup your emails to.

In this tutorial we will use: as our email-address.

1. Right click on Local Folders and choose New Folder

2. Choose the name of the folder. Then Make sure that the new folder is created under Local Folders, then choose Create folder

3. Now we need to make a filter that will automatically backup the emails to the folder.
Click on the button with the three stripes in the upper right corner and then Message Filters

4. Choose Message Filters

5. Select which email-address you want to perform the filter on, then choose New

6. Enter the name of the filter.
Then see the images below for the boolean conditions.

7. If you have aliases you can also include them (our alias is

8. Now make sure that your Inbox is selected and run the filter.

Keywords: export, export mail, backup

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