Frequently Asked Question

iPhone - iPGMail import keys
Last Updated 11 years ago

iPGMail is a mobile app for iPhone/iPad:

click here for information on iPGMail's homepage on how to transfer your keys to your iPhone.

If you have choosen to send your keys to yourself through an unencrypted email, please follow the guide from here, otherwise if you have chosen to transfer them through iTunes, please scroll down.

1. First go to Settings

2. Then go to Personal Information / Keys and Passwords

3. Scroll down to Public Key and choose either Save PubKey or manually copy your Public Key.

4. Scroll down to Private keys and choose "Show keys"

5. Enter your Countermail-password to see both your IMAP-key and your Encrypted Private key

6. Choose Save PrivKey to download your private key

7. Now send an UNENCRYPTED email to yourself with both your public and private key attached.
Open up your email with the keys and it should look something like this.
Now click on the private key

8. Choose Open in iPGMail

9. Enter your Countermail-Password and choose OK

10. Now it should say Keys imported, choose Dismiss

11. Now it should look something like this

12. Now go back to your email and choose the public key

13. Choose Open in iPGMail

14. Now it should look something like this, now go to Files again to choose your private key.

15. This is if you have chosen to transfer your keys through iTunes instead of mailing them to yourself.
Go to Files

16. Choose the public key you want to import.

17. Choose Decode

18. Choose Done

19. Now it should look something like this, now go to Files again to choose your private key.

20. Choose your private key

21. Choose Decode

22. Enter your Countermail-Password and choose OK

23. Now it should say Keys imported, choose Dismiss

24. Now it should look something like this

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